Saturday, November 5, 2011

Review In Time

In Time,a HollyWood science fiction thriller,incorporates an old famous adage 'Time is Money' as the theme of the movie.As always Hollywood projects an intriguing fiction topped with an interesting theme that goes one step ahead to messemerize the audience.Time is Money and vice versa is splendid and yet a facile theme that does not actually force you to ponder and dig deep into your nerves in order to comprehend the theme , unlike some of the premier sci fi thrillers have done so in the recent past.
'In Time' travels far into the future when the ageing gene has been modified to avoid overpopulation.A normal human does not live over an age of 25 years and has to earn , steal or borrow time in order to live further.It skillfully projects an era when Time has become an indispensable and an invaluable commodity and is the only currency available to mankind.In Time audaciously outlines the demographics,stock markets,disparities of the society owing to time as an priceless possession.Therefore anyone bestowed with large amount of time is considered to be rich and anyone otherwise is considered to be poor.Again it is interesting to watch that you may buy a coffee in lieu of 4 hours,a bus ride may cost 2 hours of your life,rent a hotel room in lieu of 8 weeks of your life , a car is a luxury and might cost around 57 years of time etc.The banks are called as time lenders and the police is called as timekeeper.The demographics of population is only based on the time;a rich would belong to a time zone different from those in the ghetto neighborhood.A fight for life has become the sole reason for higher rate of crime in this poor neighborhood.Slew individuals of the rich society have millions of years credited to their lives and therefore indeed have become immortal.Therefore some can live for thousands of years without any alteration to physical appearence,a fact though a little exaggerated yet it goes well with the theme.Thus with such an interesting story line a movie has already en-thrilled and captivated the audience,the rest was to execute and keep the audience glued to their seats for around 2 hours of their sojourn with the movie.
Justin Timberlake has played his role very well and i personally have always cherished his appearance on the screen.He has always tried to do some different roles and however executes each one of it quite well.In recent past i have personally liked him as a lover in Friends with Benefits,as Sean Parker in Social Network. In 'In Time' , JT appears as Will Salas from the ghetto neighbourhood who incidentally saves an individual from being robbed of his century (i.e. 100 years of his lifetime).Depressed and having lived for 100 years already , the Samaritan gifts all his TIME to Justin Timberlake with a message saying "Dont Waste My Time".Unable to save his mother from dying in the ghetto with expiration of her time , JT vows to make his gifted century effective for all the poor fraternity.Then follows a roller coaster ride for JT when he travels to different demographics (called Time Zone in the movie) to make a fortune for himself.JT fights hard to render parity among different sections of the society so that everyone has an equal share of a life span.In the sequence of events i like a particular dialogue in the move when Vincent Kartheiser (acting as Philip Weis , the owner of Wies Timelenders) quotes that "For some to become immortal many have to die".Therefore i completely enjoyed the movie and was fun to watch the collapse of bureaucracy by magnanimous efforts of a common man (JT) in the movie.
I feel that the story is well contemplated and executed and the movie is definitely a one time watch.It shall definitely land you pondering over a lot of things. :)  

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

RA.One a feat of Bollywood Industry

RA.One is undoubtedly a feat of Bollywood Industry and Shah Rukh Khan , an impregnable artist of this fraternity has proven again that no one entertains as he does when it comes to the 70 mm screen.
The movie clearly symbolizes that Bollywood industry has come a long way and is no longer confined to mushy mushy tales of hackneyed love sagas but rather lays a strong foundation for a style of making that i personally have looked forward to since quite long.It is an immense pleasure to witness that our indigenous industry has raised its bar and proven its versatility.I certainly feel that this movie is a fine attempt aimed at modernization of the Bollywood Film industry.Indeed would like to call it as a Hollywood Style Science Fiction with an Indian Flavor.
I agree that though the movie might not possess a perfect story line,a flawless logic or unmatched special effect yet it is a right blend of all the vital ingredients that makes a movie called a complete 'Paisa Vasool' for the Audience.A very different story line with right amount of humor,action and drama (which is imperative in a Bollywood Movie) makes the movie a must watch for all.The special effects are unlike a Bollywood flick and an emotional Superhero is like the one usually projected in the Marvel Brand of comics.Shah Rukh Khan has an unmatched persona,definitely steals the show and proves again that he is a reigning entertainer of the Bollywood Industry.
The movie is revolves around a character called 'Shekhar Subramanium'(played by Shah Rukh Khan) who is a game programmer and in love for his son 'Prateek' he creates a game called RA.One.RA.One is indeed an Artificial Intelligence program and keeps developing on its own with due course of time and usage.Eventually RA.One comes in contact with the real world using the rays that 'Barton Electronics' (the company for which Shar Rukh Khan works) had once discovered.Furious to avenge his defeat to Prateek (aka Lucifer) in a game session , RA.One horrendously starts searching for Prateek all around the world.G.One,acted by Shah Rukh Khan again (God Character of the game,originated from word 'Jeevan' in Hindi) comes to real life rescue for Prateek and becomes an ally to him in order to protect Prateek from evil RA.One.Despite the fact that G.One is weak as compared to RA.One , the good overcomes the evil in the end , making it the crux of the story line.

Arjun Rampal captivates the audience with his new look as RA.One and is definitely a treat to watch.Kareena Kapoor , ravishing as ever,has done a great job too. Anubhav Sinha has done a splendid job at Direction.The music by Vishal Shekhar is brilliant and a treat to listen to.Nonetheless 'Chammak Challo' by Akon steals the show and it is a marvel to witness Akon execute a Hindi song with such ease.Shah Rukh Khan as ever portrays a dramatic end in the film with larger than life tears as he does in most of the films , but if you think twice you shall realize that it is a trait every Superhero does posses.Every Marvel Comics character like Superman,Spiderman etc have been emotional at some point of time.
It is well accepted fact that the story is quite redundant and appears as there are bits and pieces put together from slew Hollywood Flicks , yet it is a must watch for the effort that Indian Cinema has put forward.I certainly feel that it would attract mixed reviews from the audience yet is a must watch for it impeccably projects what it claims as 'The Next Level'.
And if i have to rate the movie i shall definitely mark it as 4/5 for its execution,direction and right blend of entertainment (masala) possessed.